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Monday, January 05, 2009

Back on...

Well... a lot has happened in my life since last post, years and years ago. I lost weight....was in a wedding, went to Mexico, got pregnant again, gained weight, had another baby in April 2008 (a girl). We bought a house, moved.... see... a lot!!

So, now here I am once again... this time 9 months postpartum with baby girl, while that sweet little baby boy is now 4. More chaos, more laundry, more rooms to try and keep clean... This all means I have even LESS time to spend on myself...less time to spend on cooking, planning, and grocery shopping.

But, once again, the time has come to shed the baby weight, and then some! So starting yesterday, it's back to the Sonoma lifestyle.

I need to figure out shortcuts to help make things easier, more streamlined, and ways to make meals take less time to prepare. Like, last night, I washed and dried the produce...roasted and chopped chicken for salads, wraps, etc, and put everything into ziplocks. Not as much as I would have liked to get done, sure... but any head start is good, right? As Ashley gets a little bigger, I will be able to spend more time prepping, pre-chopping, etc.


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